Rewalk for Sean

My name is Sean Ryan I'm 39 years old and I live in San Ramon Ca. After serving in the   Navy I went on to raise a family. I have three boy's and just celebrated my 21st anniversary with my beautiful wife Teri. My three boy's ages are 22,18,12. Raising boys with great character and strong morals has been my greatest achievement.

When I was almost 36 years old I was given my biggest challenge in life. I was shot at point blank range in a senseless robbery attempt the bullet went directly thru me injuring my spinal cord. I have been working very hard ever since I woke up in a hospital about 5 weeks after the injury. I have continued to stay positive and just figured if I can stay healthy and fit I will win this battle. I have been able to turn this into a learning experience for me my family and my friends. I have tried to show everyone if you stay positive and work hard you can turn any negative into a positive. So I continue to work on myself daily not just physically but mentally as well. I want to be an example of what can be achieved even when the challenge seems overwhelming. 

We cannot change what has happened but we can change how we look at things. With hard work and a positive outlook on life you can achieve things you previously thought not possible. Exercise at any level promotes a positive attitude exercise with the ability to walk at the same time is incredible. I can probably go on and on instead I would really love to just start walking. 

I'm working with Trax Foundation to fundraise for the gift of mobility.  I hope to walk again with generous help of grants and crowd funding.


  • $10.00 donation by: Anonymous from Lathrop on 02/03/2015

Campaign Promoters

Rewalk for Sean

Amount Raised

Goal: $80,000.00


Days Left to Contribute